We’re glad you’re here!

St. David’s joyously welcomes Pastor Thomas Natalini as the newly-called pastor. We are truly excited to begin our work in Christ together with Pastor Natalini. Click here to see photos of his Ordination.

Rev. Daniel Eisenberg, St. John’s Lutheran Church in Mayfair is the new Dean of our Synod. We look forward to working with him.

You can give online by clicking here.


Upcoming Special Dates for Worship:

  • Shrove Tuesday - March 4 - 7 PM with Burning of Palms and a short liturgy

  • Ash Wednesday - March 5 - 12 & 7 PM with Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion

Here at St. David’s, we’re always looking for where God is sending us next. Look around our site to see how you can get involved, from worship to sermons, Sunday School to service opportunities. Come and see!



Sundays 8:30am & 10:30am

Wednesdays 7:00pm



Support hunger ministries in Northeast Philadelphia! The need is great, and we provide ongoing support for Feast of Justice!



Sunday School

Adult Sunday School

Sundays @ 9:15 AM

Sunday School for Children aged

3 to High School has been postponed.

There will be more information soon regarding Vacation Bible School